Hazardous Materials Area Plan Updates - Update Your UpdateI22-100601
CreditsREHS: 1.0 |
TrackEmergency Response
ObjectiveThis Course will provide participants with an update of the Hazardous Materials Area Plan (Area Plan) requirements and will cover various styles and formats of the Area Plan Update that will meet CalOES guidelines.
DescriptionThe Hazardous Materials Area Plan (Area Plan) program was established in 1986 to allow for local implementing agencies (UPA, CUPA) to respond to, minimize, and mitigate the impacts of a release or threatened release of hazardous materials within their jurisdictions. Area Plans are required to be updated every three years and are prepared in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.95, Article 1, Section 25500 et. seq. and Title 19 California Code of Regulations, Division 2, Chapter 4, Article 3: Minimum Standards for Area Plans. Updates to Area Plans over the last several years include the renumbering of the Sections of the Area Plan, the addition of the response to a Pesticide Drift Exposure Incident under Article 1, Section 2622, and where applicable, the emergency communication plan for any release or threatened release from a refinery within the CUPAs jurisdiction in accordance with California AB 1646. The required elements of the Area Plan are as follows:
Article 1
2622: Pesticide Drift Exposure Incident
Article 3
2640: Proposed Area Plans
2642: Procedures and Protocols for Emergency Rescue Personnel
2643: Pre-Emergency Planning
2644: Notification and Coordination
2645: Training
2646: Public Safety and Information
2647: Supplies and Equipment
2648: Incident Critique and Follow-UP
Area Plans can be prepared using different styles and formats, and this is dependent upon the objectives and needs of the CUPA. The ultimate goal of the Area Plan is to make it functional, easy to access during an incident, contain all of the required elements of the Area Plan, and contain any additional information that the CUPA deems necessary. The narrative of the Area Plan should be concise and contain all the information required in Articles 1 and 3 above. Additional information and data relevant to the Area Plan and the individual CUPAs can be placed in Appendices as desired. This allows for easy access to both the basic Area Plan and the additional information contained within the appendices on an as-needed basis.
Area Plans can be completed in any format providing that the all the above elements are included in the document. One major format of the Area plan is to follow the sequencing of the elements shown above. Another typical format of an Area Plan is one that discusses the various elements in order of Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation. Whatever format is utilized, it is important to know that the Area Plan is a living document that comprehensively supports the CUPAs requirements and provides a concise guide to response to a hazardous materials incident.